Board of Directors
Ryan hutchings
Ryan hutchings
President & Secretary
PDGA # 213758
FCFC # 0001
JIm lambert
JIm lambert
PDGA # 220741
FCFC # 0002
Become a board member
Become a board member
If you are interested in becoming a board member, elections are held every year for at least two positions. In particular, the club will be looking for a Vice-President and Secretary at the end of 2024. Details of how you can run for office, the responsibilities of the board, and other details, can be found within the club's bylaws.
If you have any questions about the current board members or how you can become more involved with the board, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Members can also attend out monthly board meetings, which are held on the third Monday of every month at First Capital Enterprises.